Q: Does gabrieldishaw.com ship internationally?

A: Yes, we do ship internationally. Shipping costs vary per sculpture and are detailed in your shopping cart.

Q: Are the Upcycled Luxury Brand Materials in Gabriel’s Sculptures Authentic?

A: Yes, gabriel only uses authentic materials.

Q: How many hours does it take to create a sculpture

A: My work varies in size and complexity, but on average, a medium-sized sculpture takes about 40 hours to complete.

Q: Are Gabriel’s helmet sculptures wearable?

A: Yes in most cases Gabriel’s helmets are wearable if not they will be clearly noted that the piece is not wearable.

Q: Can I wear the upcycled shoes you create?

A: While I aim for realism, wearing them could lead to injury or damage to the sculpture.

Q: Do you customize authentic sneakers?

A: Currently, I do not customize sneakers.

Q: Do you accept commission work?

A: Yes, I do. Please email your requests to gabriel@gabrieldishaw.com

Q: What materials do you use for your upcycled sculptures?

A: I primarily use parts from computers, ewaste, typewriters, and adding machines.

Q: Do you accept material donations?

A: Yes, I do. If you're interested, please get in touch with me at gabriel@gabrieldishaw.com to discuss the details.