Droid Series Gallery
A Star Wars art series in which Gabriel Dishaw re imagines George Lucas's Droids, R2D2, C3PO, K-2SO by creating them out of upcycled materials from e-waste and other found objects including, computer parts, electronics, keyboards, metal, wire etc.
L2V2 Twelve
Louis Clanker
Ahsoka T-3PO
L2V2 Eleven
L2V2 Nine
L2V2 Eight
L2V2 Seven
L2V2 Six
L2V2 #Four
LV Saint C3PO
L2V2 - Three
L2V2 #2
L2V2 Astromech Droid
Saint C3PO LV
Upcycled R2D2
Upcycled K-2SO
Royal C3PO
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: This piece was created using upcycled materials s such as: computer chips, USB cords, RAM, wire, capacitors adding machine parts and other electronic materials.
Dimensions: 11.5 inches tall, 9.25 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Date Completed: 6/6/2016
C3PO Medusa
C3PO Galactus
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: This piece is a mash-up of Marvel's Galactus and Star Wars's C3PO. This piece was created from upcycled computer parts including ram, wire, adding machine keys, keyboard keys, data cables, computer chips and other found objects.
Dimensions: 15.5 inches tall, 13 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Date Completed: 3-14-2015
C3PO Thaman
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: This piece was created from upcycled computer parts including ram, wire, adding machine keys, keyboard keys, data cables and other found objects.
Dimensions: 11 inches tall, 9.25 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Date Completed: 9-28-2015
Status: Sold
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: C3PX is Inspired from the weaponized version C3PO that ultimately faced his demise saving C3PO in a battle arena. This piece was created from upcycled computer parts including hard drive parts, wire, airplane parts, computer chips, capacitors, data cables and other found objects.
Dimensions: 17.5 inches tall, 9.25 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Date Completed: 2-24-2015
Status: For Sale
Cream Ale C3PO
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: Cream Ale C3PO was inspired from my love of Local Craft Beer and the Indianapolis, Indiana based brewery Sun King. This piece was created from upcycled parts such as a Sun King keg top, 15 plus Cream Ale cans, computer parts including, wire, computer chips, capacitors, data cables and other found objects.
Dimensions: 17.5 inches tall, 9.25 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Date Completed: 6-10-2015
C3PO Upcycled #1
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: This piece was created from upcycled computer parts, ram, wire, heat sinks, adding machine keys, data cables and capacitors.
Dimensions: 11.5 inches tall, 9.25 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Date Completed: 10-20-2014
Status: For Sale
C3PO Orange
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: This piece was created from upcycled computer parts, ram, wire, heat sinks, adding machine keys, data cables and capacitors.
Dimensions: 11 inches tall, 9.25 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Date Completed: 11-29-2014
Status: For Sale
C3PO Caramel
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: This piece was created from upcycled computer parts including ram, wire, adding machine keys, keyboard keys, data cables and other found objects.
Dimensions: 11 inches tall, 9.25 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Date Completed: 2-15-2015
Status: For Sale
C3PO Blueberry
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: This piece was created from upcycled computer parts, ram, wire, heat sinks, adding machine keys, data cables and capacitors.
Dimensions: 11 inches tall, 9.25 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Date Completed: 11-28-2014
Status: For Sale
C3PO Cherry
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: This piece was created from upcycled computer parts, ram, wire, adding machine keys, data cables and capacitors.
Dimensions: 11 inches tall, 9.25 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Date Completed: 12-7-2014
Status: For Sale
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: This piece was themed after valentines day and was created from upcycled computer parts including ram, wire, adding machine keys, keyboard keys, data cables and other found objects.
Dimensions: 11 inches tall, 9.25 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Date Completed: 2-8-2015
Status: For Sale
C3PO Lord of the Ewoks
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: My passion for Star Wars and one of the most iconic robots of all time has carried over to my upcycled art. C3PO "Lord of the Ewoks was created using recycled materials from computer parts, adding machines, capacitors, wire, typewriters parts and a pair of white tail deer antlers.
Date Completed: January 3, 2015
Status: Sold
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: My passion for Star Wars and one of the most iconic robots of all time has carried over to my upcycled art. C3PO LV (Louis Vuitton) was created using recycled materials from computer parts, adding machines, capacitors VCR's, typewriters and leather from a LV wallet.
Date Completed: 2014
Status: Sold
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: My passion for Star Wars and one of the most iconic robots of all time has carried over to my upcycled art. C3LV (Louis Vuitton) was created using recycled materials from computer parts, adding machines, capacitors VCR's, typewriters and leather from a vintage Louis Vuitton wallet.
Date Completed: 3-29-2014
Status: Commissioned by Fat5
C3PO Pygmy
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: My passion for Star Wars and one of the most iconic robots of all time has carried over to my upcycled art. C3PO "Pygmy" was created using recycled materials from computer parts, adding machines, capacitors, and typewriters.
Dimensions: 12 inches tall, 9 1/4 inches wide and 7 1/2 inches deep.
Date Completed: 2013
Status: Sold
C3PO "Woody"
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: My passion for Star Wars and one of the most iconic robots of all time has carried over to my upcycled art. C3PO "Woody" was created using recycled materials from computer parts, adding machines, calculator, check printers and typewriters.
Date Completed: 2013
Status: Sold
King of Endor
DESCRIPTION AND DETAILS: My passion for Star Wars and one of the most iconic robots of all time has carried over to my upcycled art. C3PO King Of Endor was created using recycled materials from computer parts, adding machines, capacitors VCR's, typewriters and a pair of white tail deer antlers.
Date Completed: 2014
Status: Sold